We do things properly
Our suppliers are located in Europe and Asia and our partnerships are primarily based on long-standing relationships.
They all comply with the European chemicals regulations of REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemical Substances) and a number of other relevant regulations and standards.

All suppliers sign our Code of Conduct, just as we are also part of the European BSCI (Business Social Compliance Initiative) with the aim of promoting trade and social improvement in the supply chain. The standards we adhere to are based on joint efforts to maximise quality and reduce environmental impact., taking into account good working conditions and social responsibility.
Our partners have all signed our CSR policy which is based on the standards of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, the UN Global Compact, and, in particular, the areas of human rights, working conditions, environmental considerations and anti-corruption.
To ensure that we meet our own objectives, we enter into a close dialogue with our suppliers. We personally monitor conditions and conduct regular random checks which may lead to demands for internal changes at our suppliers.
AEO certification
Brands4kids A/S has completed the comprehensive AEO Certification.
At Brands4kids A/S, we have achieved the Danish certification known as AEO which stands for “Authorised Economic Operator”. This certification provides Brands4kids with a number of advantages in relation to the import and export of goods outside the EU.
This certification ensures that Brands4kids can have a full customs warehouse and that the company has a high level of security and security.
The certification is recognised by all EU Member States which is why Brands4kids will have the same advantages in all Member States.
Read more about AEO: Authorised Economic Operator (AEO)